This is a strange story for me to write. It will at times be a sad story, in many ways it will be happy and perhaps even funny. It will be an adventure that entails anxiety, flirting with danger, fortitude in the face of adversity and many attempts to look on the bright side. There will also no doubt be moments of anguish and despair, and a lot of uncertainty. It's a story that will hopefully be cathartic for me, but also interesting and perhaps informative or even entertaining for others.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A fabulous week!

First of all I’d like to start by saying that I've re-read my last post and am definitely not feeling that way anymore. After the initial shock of my hair falling out, I actually feel pretty good about it. I guess it's a visible sign that the chemo is doing something. If it's killing my hair cells then I can be more confident that it is also killing the cancer cells!

Now I can go on to tell you the good, well actually great, things that have happened to me this week. To begin with I went wig shopping with my two best friends and my step-sister. We bought a wig and a whole heap of scarves and had a lot of fun trying things on in the shop. My long-standing suspicion that I have a pin head was confirmed when the lady had to take the wig in for me as it was too big, and was reinforced again when I was trying on hats and they were all falling down below my eyes!

We also went out for breakfast –my first outing without hair. I was thrilled when I looked at the menu and saw blueberry bagels with cream cheese. Something I LOVE and haven’t had for ages! I went up to the counter to order them and the guy behind the counter said “Sorry, they didn’t get delivered today so we don’t have any”. Forgetting about my bald head and CanTeen Bandanna I replied “oh no, I’m devastated. I was so excited when I saw them on the menu, I think I might cry”. I was of course only joking, but the poor guy went white as a ghost and looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole. He must have been thinking ‘oh no, I’ve upset the poor cancer lady’.

The following day was Australia Day which I spent at my Dad’s house. It was lovely to just relax by the pool and chat with family. The next great part about this week was going back to work, as the summer holidays have now finished. I know work is not normally on people’s list of great things, but I love my job and the people I work with, so going back and seeing everyone was wonderful. My colleagues were very supportive and it was great to have a sense of normality in my life again.

On Thursday I had an appointment with my oncologist, which was definitely the highlight of the week. He was very pleased with how well I am taking to the chemotherapy. He also told me he thought that my ‘down to earth’ personality and positive outlook would mean that I would have less side effects. That was a nice compliment to receive and also reiterated to me how important the power of the mind will be in all this. Furthermore he said that as all my symptoms had disappeared (no more visible lymph node swelling, fevers or night sweats) he was confident that my next x-ray (in 3 weeks time) would give good news!

I went into my appointment armed with a list of questions I had been wondering about since my last appointment. What should I be eating? How often should I exercise? Can I have a glass of wine? What exactly are B-Cells? Should I have paid more attention in biology in high school? I bombarded the poor guy with so many different things he ended up lending me a medical book on lymphoma! The book is very interesting and has answered many of my queries, but I will probably now just go to my next appointment armed with more complex questions!

Friday was the not-so-great part of the week. Chemo number 2. My step-sister, Dani, came with me this time and thankfully it was a much shorter session this time. It was still about 5 hours, but at least it wasn’t 7 hours again! The worse part of the day was when the nurse tried for 10 minutes to get the cannula in the back of my hand, then gave up saying that my skin was too tight. I don’t really know what that means, but I’ll take it as a compliment and assume she meant it was youthful and firm! They ended up putting it in my arm which took about 10 seconds, but I now have a bruised swollen lump on my hand!

I left the hospital feeling fine and even went for a short walk when I got home, as I wanted some fresh air. However, about an hour later I was sick. Panic set in a bit then and I worried that I was going to get the days worth of nausea and vomiting I had heard that most people experienced. Luckily, that was it and I’ve felt pretty good since. Like last time I felt queasy all day Sunday and have been unusually tired and vague, but if that’s as bad as the side effects get for me then I’m stoked!


Anonymous said...

As always, an incredible read Riaane. You are so amazing and such an inspiration. Keep giggling about the poor cafe guy - wicked sense of humour Miss Comport! :D Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Wow Rianne what a talented author you are. You certainly know how to captivate your audience. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. The highs, the lows and of course the laughs. You are an inspiration, not only to those of us who know and love you but to those who may be going through a similar journey. And you're right. The mind and knowledge is a very powerful thing. You have certainly embraced your illness in such a positive way and I know this is going to help you kick it big time. Like any good novel I can't wait for your next entry.
So how many blueberry bagels can we shower you with each week. xxShelley

Anonymous said...

Riaane, you did not comment on the most important specialist question response.
Can you have a drink of wine?
If I come all the way from Sydney and bring Nanna all the way across Melbourne where do we go for lunch withour a wine?
cheers, Lloyd

Anonymous said...

Of course you can talk to me any time about anything- but if you need any laughs, I too have funny canular stories- just ask- I have a few I can share with you. They can never get them into me either!!!!!!
keep up the good work- C U soon- Bree

Anonymous said...

What I would like to say is that i think you are 'brave' for having the 'courage' and 'strength' to document this experience and share it with the world. But it's easier just to say it is very 'rianne' of you!

In my life I have known and lost two very important people; watched another suffer and survive; and now have a co-worker who is about to undergo a biopsy and recieve her diagnosis. Reading about your experiences is helping my understanding of what each of these people went through or are going through. It is a generous thing you are doing and i can't tell you how much it means.

And i must agree that you are a great writer and should persue this passion. It is wonderful to see someone using the interweb for good and not evil!

Love always, Jenna x

PS. i do think you are very brave :)
PPS. When are we gonna rock the suburbs on singstar again?!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing talent you have... Your writing technique is captivating and I always look forward to your next entry. I agree with the other comments.. this is a gift you should pursue. You're so inspiring & I wish you all the best for the remainder of your journey.
I think of you everyday.
Love Cat xox